Archive for June 25th, 2010

Top court blasts DYFS in custody case

The agency is criticized for placing two children without a hearing BY MARY FUCHS STATEHOUSE BUREAU The state Supreme Court yesterday criticized the state Division of Youth and Family Services for ending an investigation of a woman who had “abused and neglected” her two children, saying a full hearing process is needed before determining where […]

June 25th, 2010
Topic: Uncategorized Tags: None

In America, do we value freedom over protecting children?

Taking on the issue of regulating the Internet is extremely unpopular. The political left wants a free and unregulated Internet, and the right opposes hard regulation too. Ever since the Internet was invented, a war has waged about who owns it and who controls it. The inventors, thinking about the value of worldwide access to […]

June 25th, 2010
Topic: Uncategorized Tags: None

Child protection agency blames its own errors in death of foster child

By Marjie Lundstrom mlundstrom@sacbee.com Published: Thursday, Jun. 24, 2010 – 4:51 pm Last Modified: Thursday, Jun. 24, 2010 – 6:41 pm A searing internal review of Sacramento County’s Child Protective Services has concluded that judgment errors and bias among agency workers were factors in the 2008 death of a 4 1/2-year-old foster child. For the […]

June 25th, 2010
Topic: Uncategorized Tags: None

Children Labeled ‘Bipolar’ May Get A New Diagnosis

Since the mid-1990s, the number of children diagnosed with bipolar disorder has increased a staggering 4,000 percent. And that number has caused a lot of controversy in the world of child psychiatry. Doctors faced with kids struggling with explosive moods felt the diagnosis was appropriate and said that the bipolar medications they gave to children […]

June 25th, 2010
Topic: Uncategorized Tags: None