New York City’s retreat from reform

New York City’s retreat from reform     In all of American child welfare, no one has a tougher job than John Mattingly, commissioner of New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services. And there is no one in America who could have done a better job than Mattingly when the system was engulfed in crisis in 2006. […]

August 31st, 2009
Topic: state Tags: , ,

DCF needs better tools to monitor psychotropic drug use

The working group brought together by the tragic death of Gabriel Myers has finished its work. Unfortunately, its final report comes as no surprise: Simply put, the 7-year-old foster child who committed suicide died at the hands of a neglectful bureaucracy. Gabriel’s lifeless body was found hanging in his Margate foster home on April 16. […]

August 29th, 2009
Topic: DCFS Tags: , , , , , , , ,