Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

DHS foster care lawsuit settlement brings optimism for reform

Oklahoma is just a few steps from finalizing a transformation of the way it provides care for abused and neglected children. The approval of a settlement agreement late Tuesday by the commission that oversees the state Department of Human Services puts in motion the possibility of reforms in social worker caseloads, data collection, communication and […]

December 22nd, 2011
Topic: Uncategorized Tags: None

Suit against DHS says kids are shuffled around

TULSA — Federal data shows that more than a third of children in Oklahoma foster care are shuffled to different placements three or more times in less than a year, the plaintiffs in a class-action lawsuit that seeks reform in Oklahoma’s foster care system claim in a court filing. But the plaintiffs allege that Oklahoma’s […]

September 11th, 2010
Topic: Uncategorized Tags: None

Deaths highlight child protection flaws

Child protection services have again been criticised for failing to protect Victoria’s most vulnerable children following a review of 16 deaths on the state’s watch. An annual report by the Victorian Child Death Review Committee shows 16 children known to protective services died in the 12 months to March 2010. Three died of non-accidental trauma […]

July 29th, 2010
Topic: Uncategorized Tags: None

German bureaucrats take children from abused U.S. mom Call for help costs American citizen her rights to kids, maybe permanently

Help Philecia Jackson // // THEIR GOVERNMENT AT WORK German bureaucrats take children from abused U.S. mom Call for help costs American citizen her rights to kids, maybe permanently Posted: June 12, 2010 9:10 pm Eastern By Bob Unruh © 2010 WorldNetDaily // <![CDATA[ function legalChars(input,fieldName){ var tfld = input.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, ''); // value of field with whitespace […]

July 26th, 2010
Topic: Uncategorized Tags: None

Government is daring to keep kids on drugs

Lyons: Government is daring to keep kids on drugs // <![CDATA[// By Tom Lyons Published: Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 1:00 a.m. Last Modified: Saturday, July 24, 2010 at 7:32 p.m. ( page 1 of 3 ) Apparently the U.S. Food and Drug Administration had at least heard about the suicide of Gabriel Myers. // […]

July 26th, 2010
Topic: Uncategorized Tags: None