On Friday, May 2,2014 at 3:18 pm, I went to pick up my two older girls, ages 10 and 13 from middle school. A case worker from CPS was there holding my children, in the office. She never stated why I was there. I later read my paperwork and found allegations of “Neglect”. Neglect from […]
I’m a former foster child. I had suffered abuse at home with my step dad. I stood up to my abuser and asked for the help of child protective services. He confessed and was convicted for his crime and I was placed in foster care. Even though my step dad was the criminal he was […]
In 2012, my family turned my baby over to CPS when I was forced to go in for treatment. Upon my release, two weeks later they had no choice but to return her because (& I quote) “it was due to no fault of your own, that she was taken from your care. “ I was […]
I am going out on a limb here and asking if your site has any recommendations. I have been a victim of the corrupt Child Protection Services out of Knoxville, TN. I am an Active Duty Marine and have fought diligently to remain a part of my son’s life despite being a state away. Over […]
Grays Harbor County: CPS has taken both my babies from the hospital. I admit I needed help when they first got involved. Aug 1 2012 I gave birth to my son & tested positive for drugs. The next day CPS came and said I HAD to sign my temporary rights away. They let me have […]