Colorado DHS Hearings

Hello everyone,   I am not sure how anyone else felt about the meeting and we may be alone in our frustration, but I thought I would share my feelings and the feelings of my daughters, who were suppose to be the population that was the subject of this meeting…   We were so excited […]

Politics: CPS Reform and the GOP

I have not seen my granddaughter in almost 3 months now. If it were not for hurting my wife, I would make going postal look like child’s play. Our president needs to make this his top priority or the GOP could use this reform to totally destroy the democratic party. All these politicians need to […]

Change the culture of foster care

Vivek S. Sankaran hits the nail on the head with her article, “Change the culture of the foster care system,” posted today in The Detroit News. She said in part: Wayne County recently joined cities across the country and celebrated the first national Reunification Day to recognize the accomplishments of those who help parents regain custody […]

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