If you are like most parents, when you consider moving to a new location, one of the first things you check is the Sex Offender Registry. What you don’t know is that more often than not, people end up on the Sex Offender Registry for petty or stupid reasons. The list is practically useless. Some states, […]
We finally have the system automated! So, in honor of Father’s Day, use the coupon code “dadsday” and Save $10! Hurry! This special is only good for two days. Don Lyons book “Kids For Money – Warning: The Truth About Child Protective Services and the Staggering Impact on Society“ After my children were taken from me […]
CPS in California have been accused of destroying families. The audit plan passed the committee unanimously, and now the California state auditor, who has subpoena powers, will investigate CPS. Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who sponsored the bill and organized parents to speak about their experiences, said it’s a good step forward. [Read more] Not only that, but […]
I was so happy to learn that California lawmakers have voted to order a long overdue audit of Child Protective Services. Child Protective Services is supposed to help children and families overcome stressful events in life, and stay together and healthy. But there are families who say that CPS does anything but that. Family members testified […]
I feel our civil rights have been violated by Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS), especially by the West 11th and Willamette Street Offices in Eugene, OR. I’ve written the Governor, the Congressmen, County Officials for Lane County as well about this. DHS is making our lives hell and we’ve done nothing wrong. They are […]