CA to audit CPS…

I was so happy to learn that California lawmakers have voted to order a long overdue audit of Child Protective Services. Child Protective Services is supposed to help children and families overcome stressful events in life, and stay together and healthy. But there are families who say that CPS does anything but that. Family members testified […]

Help Needed in Colorado

This mother has written me asking for advice, I have given it.  What is so frustrating is that people still go along with the program, until they don’t know what else to do, then they contact us. This family did everything wrong… Do you have any advice for them now? On November 6, 2012, DSS […]

More Facts about CPS Buying and Selling Our Children

“American taxpayers fund a racket that wrenches the stomach. That is CPS. Some of those involved claim their are just following orders, others just pocket the bounty on children wrenched from their parent’s arms. Nuremberg answered the question of orders; profiting from human trafficking should be a capital offense.”   by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster (libertarian) Saturday, […]

Trouble in North Dakota

Please help, we have a tyrant CPS worker here in Hettinger, ND who is harassing me and three other families.  We would all like to file a joint complaint. Where do we go? What do we do? I am under ongoing investigation for “educational neglect” because I homeschool. My neighbor is under ongoing investigation for […]

Oregon DHS & Civil Rights

I feel our civil rights have been violated by Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS), especially by the West 11th and Willamette Street Offices in Eugene, OR. I’ve written the Governor, the Congressmen, County Officials for Lane County as well about this. DHS is making our lives hell and we’ve done nothing wrong. They are […]

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