Mother Vindicated Too Late!

My story began on April 18th, 2006; the day my two children, Preston age 7, and AareOna age 2 were abducted by Wright County Child Protection and placed in a licensed foster home in Albertville, Minnesota. May 9th 2006 — I had a visit with my children. AaerOna was refusing to eat. Preston said that […]

Congressional Hearing Needed

Mesa, Arizona — A 6-year-old little boy was taken from his home by CPS caseworkers, while he was being watched and supervised by his grandfather, a retired LTC USA. His mother had raised him for 6-years, alone as a single mother. False allegations were made to Child Protective Services, by his unwed, absentee, father so, […]

Alaska’s War on the Family

I really need some help here. I have been accused of fracturing my infant’s skull, although I have reports saying that doctors don’t suspect child abuse. Office of Children’s Services (OCS) took away my kids after I tried to protect them by sending them to Washington, to be with a woman who adopted my son. […]

Kenai Foster Care

My son is in foster care due to some behavior with alcohol, while I was away at work and he was with his mother. The foster parents drink in front of him and go out drinking on weekends and sometimes drive with my 17-year-old son in the vehicle. I complained and nothing was done. The […]

Why CPS exists!

I received the following e-mail today, from someone who obviously has her head stuck in the sand. Please respond to her post and help educate this naive person. Dear Kidjacked, So you have all of these stories posted about how children are abused and neglected and you think that CPS shouldn’t be there to protect […]

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