Trouble in North Dakota

Please help, we have a tyrant CPS worker here in Hettinger, ND who is harassing me and three other families.  We would all like to file a joint complaint. Where do we go? What do we do? I am under ongoing investigation for “educational neglect” because I homeschool. My neighbor is under ongoing investigation for […]

Are you a sociopath?

I would like to publicly thank Carolynn Middleton for posting her letter: Caseworkers- Are You Contented? We’ve all asked ourselves the same questions, in a nutshell we want to know what kind of animal could be so cruel to another human being? I would like to print this letter off and get it into the hands […]

CPS Inflicts Pain

CPS Prevents Mother From Being With Dying Child My name is Haley; CPS stole my children on April 30, 2009. How It All Began On March 2, 2009, my daughter Emma Grace passed away she was 11-months-old. My husband and I were not home at the time of her death, we were at the hospital […]

Wrong on many levels!

Our family lives in Texas. My brother and his wife moved back to Texas in February 2007. They had a one-year-old son and another child on the way. The mom has a mental illness (bipolar with schizophrenic tendencies) and had a breakdown in March of 2007 and went into hiding. In the end, she returned […]

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