My story starts off with my ex-girlfriend that has mental condition and left with my baby boy Danny. She refused to get treatment and CPS was called to make sure my son was safe. The caseworker Ann Britenmister was always so rude to me and my family and she decided to place my baby boy […]
Please help, we have a tyrant CPS worker here in Hettinger, ND who is harassing me and three other families. We would all like to file a joint complaint. Where do we go? What do we do? I am under ongoing investigation for “educational neglect” because I homeschool. My neighbor is under ongoing investigation for […]
I would like to publicly thank Carolynn Middleton for posting her letter: Caseworkers- Are You Contented? We’ve all asked ourselves the same questions, in a nutshell we want to know what kind of animal could be so cruel to another human being? I would like to print this letter off and get it into the hands […]
CPS Prevents Mother From Being With Dying Child My name is Haley; CPS stole my children on April 30, 2009. How It All Began On March 2, 2009, my daughter Emma Grace passed away she was 11-months-old. My husband and I were not home at the time of her death, we were at the hospital […]
Our family lives in Texas. My brother and his wife moved back to Texas in February 2007. They had a one-year-old son and another child on the way. The mom has a mental illness (bipolar with schizophrenic tendencies) and had a breakdown in March of 2007 and went into hiding. In the end, she returned […]