Have you been following the most recent, asinine debacle of the state? The state of Kansas, has taken an 11 year old from his mom, because she advocates medical marijuana, because she’s sick. Where do you the child will be better off, with his sick mother or with strangers? Hello? Have you ever been to foster care?
English: Discount Medical Marijuana cannabis shop at 970 Lincoln Street, Denver, Colorado. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Garden City Police Department, which conducted the search of Banda’s home, insists that the state-sanctioned kidnapping is in the boy’s best interest. “The most important thing here is the child’s well-being,” said Capt. Randy Ralston. “That is why it is a priority for us, just because of the danger to the child.”
What planet are they living on? My aunt died from Crohn’s disease, people die of it every year. Marijuana saved my life. Fortunately, I don’t live Kansas, I lived in one of the states that has medical marijuana laws in place.
Banda has not been formally accused of any crimes yet. Ralston says the charges could include possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, misdemeanor or felony possession of drug paraphernalia, and child endangerment. Making cannabis oil also seems to qualify as manufacturing a controlled substance, a “drug severity level 1 felony” punishable by a prison sentence as long as 17 years.
Please help speak out about this injustice.
Wow, I’ve totally been there. The state should not attack a family because someone is sick. She’s got enough on her plate.
You can read about Shona, her son, what happened and how you can help. We must speak up. Unite our votes and speak loud and clear. We must demand to be able to treat ourselves when we are sick. She has lost her son, because she uses cannabis.
This story could have been me. I was in bed for over a year, when I decided the pills the doctors were giving me were killing me. I threw them away, started smoking weed, seeing my Chiropractor and I started walking, very slowly to start. My life has changed because I took my health in my hands and I decided to smoke weed. It’s a beautiful thing to get your life back, don’t let the state ruin that. Return her child!