Kansas Grandma Needs Help

I was just wondering if you know of anyone that could help us in Kansas?

My grand daughter was taken because she missed 5 days of school. We are trying to figure out what medicine will work best for her and if she’s Bi Polar or not. She was late and missed the day school started again, after Christmas break, the judge took her from us without taking into consideration that she had just started a new medication and was still adjusting to it to see if she was bi polar or not.

While in state custody 5 weeks now she has attended school 1 week and now is in a psych hospital where they won’t even allow her to talk to her mother or her grandmother.

The system is failing and she’s escalating out of control and we are helpless to save her.  Please if you have any information that we can use it would be greatly appreciated.  We need to get her home and get back to Idaho, where she and our other children can be safe and get the actual treatment that she needs.

Thank you,
Tina Stone

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