My grandson was Kidjacked!
The paternal grandparents are super wealthy and are most likely paying people off to get this baby to stay with them. Devastating to my daughter and myself maternal grandmother. He didn’t need CPS, but somehow it went from family court to me as safety for one week, then CPS and next thing they have him in their home.
Long story. Would love to share.
Makes no sense to me that they don’t have time for the kids that need intervention, while they are busy working this case and coming up with false accusations. I was the grandmother that watched him all the time on weekends, while my daughter worked and now I don’t get to see him for months.
The wealthy grandparents had no interest in him until their son lost temporary custody in family court. He has two other boys he can’t visit w/o supervision and doesn’t bother, but judge Porter gave him temporary custody until he got a DUI. He even failed drug test, same judges courtroom in 2012.
Meanwhile my daughter was on rx and marijuana card for migraines. Now she’s not getting visits and says ” she’s lost her soul.” I can’t have him because of accusations of myself and daughter “dynamics.” Nobody had even been around us but guardian ad litem.