CPS, School and the Law

After Child Protective Services kidnapped my daughter, they tried to enroll her into a high school. In spite of the fact that a diploma had been issued acknowledging the fact she graduated from a home school. I was told directly “We are above the Department of Education.”

We have a baby...for awhile at least
We have a baby…for awhile at least!

State laws say a child under the age of 16 (up to the 16th birthday) must attend school, with the following exceptions:

(e) The child has graduated from high school or has fulfilled all requirements for high school graduation.

Even though the Governor, State Legislature, Michigan Department of Education all recognize a home school diploma, CPS claims they do not. Even though my daughter was 16, CPS does not have to follow the law. CPS is very knowledgeable of school laws in Michigan. Home schools are not required to register the school or student with any governmental agency. Home schools do not have to conduct standardized tests. Home schools do not have to report student progress to any governmental agency.

CPS asked under what certified educational program was she taught. I told them I was the certified agency. They refused to believe me and also refused to call the Department of Education!  At age 16, my daughter legally was not required to attend a school because of age and because of having graduated! But CPS is to arrogant to believe a parent whose child they had just illegally abducted!

In fact, any law that CPS wants to break, they are allowed to inject their personal opinions above what state and federal laws say. As I have said before, CPS has told me directly “When CPS is involved, parents and children have no Civil or Constitutional Rights. We are above the Constitution!

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1 thought on “CPS, School and the Law

  1. I just joined your website. How can I communicate with you or other members on here to get your advice? If you read my profile you’ll see what kind of mess I’m in for a very stupid reason. I’m scared and I want someone to talk to. Do people on here ever call each other on the phone to talk? Thanks.

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