I have a daughter who was born on November 30, 2012, 15-weeks early weighing 1-lb 15 oz, after her release from the NICU she was readmitted into the hospital a few times for typical preemie issues. Since her birth we have had a page on Facebook “Reagans Place” that we have since unpublished for our families protection.
On March 16,2013, Reagan was readmitted to the hospital for feeding issues and failure to thrive after having a barium swallow study done at Wolfson Children’s Hospital on March 14, 2013. She was having an aversion to eating after the test like she was uncomfortable and since at this time she was at 6-lbs we could not afford for her to get dehydrated. Upon admission it was thought that she was uncomfortable because the barium has not passed yet so she was admitted on IV fluids and blood work and x rays were done showing the barium was still working its way through her.
Day One: in the hospital she still wasn’t eating she was on D10 with sodium and potassium, a Nasogastric tube was put in to force feeds but she threw them up, feeds were stopped so they could do a upper GI.
Day Two: the upper GI showed that she had re-flux she was put on medication, the hospital was giving her Tylenol as well because she was obviously uncomfortable she was still getting D10 with sodium and potassium and was barely eating, arching her back like she was in pain and screaming, not just for me but for nurses and doctors.
Day Three: March 18, 2013, Reagan was changed to D5 and still was refusing to eat I was getting scared that she had a lack of nutrition since her intake was so minimal and was assured she was okay, that we would force feed her through the Nasogastric tube. At around 6:00 pm, the doctor ordered a bolus of 30 ml of fluid which is about 1/6th of Reagans entire blood volume, lets remember she also had been getting fluid at 12 ml per hour for 3 days now. By 3:00 am on 3-19-2013, when they weighed her she had gained over 12 ounces and was turning purple.
I brought this concern up and was told it was gas and they must have weighed her wrong. She was still on fluid and still barely eating and obviously getting more uncomfortable and having bradycardia issues. Around 1:00 am on 3-20-2013, I called the doctor in worried Reagan looked very puffy and this doctor again said Reagan was gassy. How was my daughter gassy she wasn’t eating anything? At 3:00 am when they weighed her on 3-20-2013 she was up another 4 or 5 oz. I again questioned this and told it was of no concern!!
When the day doctor made rounds about 9:00 am on 3-20-2013, he asked me if I noticed how swollen Reagan was and I said yes and told him the night doctor told me it was all gas. This doctor sent her for tests and lab work and sure enough she was having some liver dysfunction and ascites. Her albumin levels were low according to lab work so she was given an albumin infusion and lasix and put on diuretics and over night Reagan lost over a pound and was back to a 6-lb baby and suddenly started eating like nobodies business. The doctors brought in specialists and ran all sorts of tests and the most I heard was from a genetics doctor, that Reagan had these same albumin issues in the NICU and he thinks its just something in her as a preemie that misfired when her body was stressed and lacking protein and had to much fluid. We posted all of this on her Facebook page as we updated her over 10-K followers daily through her journey.
Within hours a hate page was started attacking me called “Help Save Reagan from Her Mom” posting all sorts of legal information and more from my past. (I have screen shots of everything on the page.) I reported the page and followers reported the page and Facebook did nothing, except tell me them bullying me was violating no rules or laws. They went as far on that page to post the phone number to the hospital we were at and have people flood the hospital with calls that I must be poisoning Reagan. When they did not get the outcome they wanted from the hospital they launched an all out assault putting together a plan and posting all the information for people to make reports to DCF that Reagan was being poisoned be me. This all occurred on 3-22-2013 — Facebook still said they were violating no rules: (see Facebook dashboard below)
Support Dashboard
You’ll find the status of photos and timelines you report listed below.
Note: We use our Community Standards to evaluate these reports, and do our best to address reports within 48 hours. Have questions? Please visit Reporting Help.
ResolvedYou reported The truth about Reagans MOM’s photo for harassment.
This photo wasn’t removed
You reported The truth about Reagans MOM’s photo for harassment.
The truth about Reagans MOM removed this photo
You reported The truth about Reagans MOM’s photo for harassment.
This photo wasn’t removed
You reported Help Save Reagan From Her mom’s post for harassment.
This post wasn’t removed
You reported Help Save Reagan From Her mom’s photo for harassment.
Help Save Reagan From Her mom removed this photo
You reported Help Save Reagan From Her mom’s post for harassment.
This post was removed
You reported Help Save Reagan From Her mom’s photo for harassment.
This photo was removed
You reported Help Save Reagan From Her mom’s post for harassment.
This post wasn’t removed
You reported Help Save Reagan From Her mom’s photo for harassment.
Help Save Reagan From Her mom removed this photo
I then sent them the following email:
I would like you to know this is a page created to violently attack me and my children, they have taken pieces of court records, and photos from my Facebook and are exploiting me and my children and bullying and harassing our entire family. If Facebook can’t and won’t remove this page and ban these animals that are creating fake pages to do this I will be forced to file civil action against Facebook! What they are doing is against every rule you have on Facebook …. They are going as far as to use Facebook to file reports to DCF and to threaten my children.
How is this ok and how is this not bullying? They are using my property my intellectual property and bits and pieces of court records to constantly attack and harass me. People commit suicide for less then this! Understand that if Facebook allows this to continue I will be seeking a federal attorney to start proceedings against Facebook for civil damages to me and my family for allowing this to happen. Plenty of people, have reported this page for this attack and bullying and it needs to end. I will also take it to the media, I have screen shots of all of it and the decision by Facebook to allow this material to remain! Your own rules state:
Bullying and Harassment
Facebook does not tolerate bullying or harassment. We allow users to speak freely on matters and people of public interest, but take action on all reports of abusive behavior directed at private individuals. Repeatedly targeting other users with unwanted friend requests or messages is a form of harassment.Hate Speech
Facebook does not permit hate speech, but distinguishes between serious and humorous speech. While we encourage you to challenge ideas, institutions, events, and practices, we do not permit individuals or groups to attack others based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition.They are guilty of both of these actions and yet Facebook still thinks this page is not violating Facebook standards?
They have also violated both of these rules by publishing information including a hospital my sick daughter was in and encouraging people to call and say my daughter was being abused and also the same with DCF giving all my personal information:
Identity and Privacy
On Facebook people connect using their real names and identities. We ask that you refrain from publishing the personal information of others without their consent. Claiming to be another person, creating a false presence for an organization, or creating multiple accounts undermines community and violates Facebooks terms.Intellectual Property
Before sharing content on Facebook, please be sure you have the right to do so. We ask that you respect copyrights, trademarks, and other legal rights.Again I strongly urge you to remove this page and ban them before I seek civil penalties against facebook!
Shauna Taylor
This was finally sent to them on April 7th. You may ask why it took so long to send this well here is why
When numerous people were allowed to continue bullying, stalking, and harassing my family through Facebook and personal information was allowed to be posted all these people were allowed to continuously call DCF and file reports that I was poisoning Reagans. Her doctors had NO concerns, her nurses had NO concerns, hospital social workers had NO concerns … after all a hospital social worker followed our family the entire 11 weeks Reagan was in the NICU where I sat by her side 15 hours a day every day. Yet a CPT, a child protection team by DCF was allowed to order very large volumes of tests on my daughter poking her and prodding her to see if she was in fact being poisoned.
EVERY single and I mean every single test came back clean.. When that was not enough because I have a past with Children services in California and Arizona that I have never hidden from and been very open about they decided to allege I was poisoning Reagan with iron because her iron level was 2 points higher then normal. They failed to mention to the courts that she had just had a infusion of albumin that is an iron binding product and raises blood iron serum levels.
My daughter was taken into custody and I have now not been allowed to see her for two weeks, no contact at all, it has been alleged to the judge that she was being poisoned even though her doctors are standing up for me saying that she should be home. No matter how much my state appointed attorney fights I have no chance at all because I have a past history. The state says they are going straight to terminate my parental rights and I will never see my daughter again because they are using my past without all facts against me.
And still Facebook is allowing this hate page to still do this! They keep the page up for 3 to 4 hours at a time and then it gets reported by hundred of people and the owners of the page remove the page for a few days and then come back to attack. Anyone who defends me then also gets CPS or DCF called on them alleging they belong to a cult on Facebook poisoning their children. Facebook tells me this is not bullying because I am not a teenager!
Just because I have a past does not mean my daughter was in harm if she was her doctors would have filed reports on me. Facebook is allowing people to use their site as a tool to hurt and destroy people and that is illegal.
I have taken this all to the FBI, and on 4-09-2013 met with Agent Everett out of the Jacksonville Florida Office:
FBI Jacksonville
6061 Gate Parkway
Jacksonville, FL 32256
Phone (904) 248-7000
Fax: (904) 248-7404
E-mail: Jacksonville@ic.fbi.gov
He was writing a report and giving it to the Agents who investigate and prosecute these criminal acts. He also advised a complaint be filed with www.ic3.gov and that was done on 4-9-2013 as well.
I went further and created a petition at Change.org to maybe make a difference in this so DCF cant just remove kids for life from your past or for hearsay from people who don’t even know you in an attempt to bring Reagan home.
State of Florida, Baker County Courts, DCF: Return Reagan Taylor to her parents where she belongs
I have been sent emails from the case worker from DCF that Reagan is having all the same issues in custody and pictures of her where she is scared afraid not happy and not safe. These animals on Facebook making malicious and false calls have harmed my baby and Facebook should be held accountable for allowing bullying in this magnitude or any magnitude for that matter.
I know you can’t help get my daughter back but maybe you can help hold Facebook accountable for what they allow people to do and the damage they allow people to cause to others, if I was not mentally stable and if I didnt have thousands of amazing people standing behind me this could very well have led to suicide.
I feel you need to check out a story before you share it. This mom has not only lost this child but also 12 others in 3 diff states. Some of us have known her for quite a while and we know who and what she is. If she cared about her child then she would be trying to get it back and not out breaking more laws, (I will leave a link as proof). This mother if you can call her that also still had a go fund me account, gift registry, etc still going to make money off of a child she does not have. I am going to leave you some links that might help you see her for who she is. 3 state CPS offices can not all be wrong! http://azcourts.gov/Portals/0/OpinionFiles/Div1/2012/1%20CA-JV%2011-0240.PDF
I don’t have the time to check out every story. I’m just one person. Thank you for the information. This way anyone who wants to look it up is able.
I understand. She played on a lot of people’s sympathy, that is why she is now in jail for fraud among other things. She is a very sick person that did actually hurt her children to get attention so she lost her kids for a reason. I am a speaker for children that are or have been abused and that is 1 reason I know so much about this person.
EVERYBODY HERE HAS A VERY INTERESTING story indeed. Most of them have one thing in common? Its called a lie!! The Satan of the Bible is the father of this by product. The only way something will ever be done? Is that the people who read these stories become equally outraged as the ones who writes them…ben franklin. Some one needs to have a series of movies on TV just about Arizona and the “gestapo social club” called cps.
We expose the truth, so I am happy to post links to relevant articles.