My wife and I have lost 4 children whom we love and miss terribly to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS), but I wont even get into our story yet because we are in an ongoing battle.
Right at the moment I am simply trying to do what I can to make a difference. So I am asking people to sign my petition to try and change the way CPS operates. I don’t know if I’ll accomplish anything or not, but I’ll at least know in my heart that I tried.
I would also like to send all of my love and condolences to all of the other loving families who have been torn apart by the corrupt CPS system. It is a long, hard road, and I wish everyone involved with CPS the best of luck.
Just keep in mind that when dealing with a lying caseworker that isn’t doing his or her job, that everyone has a supervisor. Even the president of the United States has to answer to someone.
Thank you, and bless you all.
I shed a tear for each and every one of you…
I fought Bell County Texas CPS. They are corrupt also. I lost my grandson because the foster family wanted him. I was not convicted of any crime, nor am I on any kind of substance abuse. I simply left my baby boy in the care of his father while I was at a DR appt. The so called loving father abused my baby. And cps doesn't believe I wasn't there. They won him at court on something they call "constructive abandonment". Which means, you visited but not enough to make us happy. I live 7 hours away from my baby. I made the trip when I had the money. My baby should not have been removed from my custody, PERIOD.